January 12, 2011

Yellowing Pages

The Road - Cormac McCarthy

Mighty grim, end of the world stuff with a father and son wandering across an unnamed countryside after an unmentioned apocalypse. Pretty powerful death poetry.

The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde

A very Douglas Adams-ish mystery/adventure with detective Thursday Next hunting down the master villian Acheron Hades, who wants to kill characters in famous novels by entering into the texts, dragging the characters out into reality and dispensing of them, thereby eliminating them from all extant copies. Throw in some time travel, an evolving discussion of who actually wrote Shakespeare's plays, and lots of name/title dropping and you have a pretty fun, light read.

The Jugger - Richard Stark

Parker goes to Kansas to find out what happened to an old safe cracker who seems to have spilled the beans on who and what his criminal buddies have been up to. A nice switch up with there being no "heist", only the extraction of information from a bunch of dubious characters. Later made into a film, Made in the U.S.A. by Jean Luc Godard.

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