January 22, 2011

Thriller: The Twisted Image

Leslie Nielsen is cast as the perfect man: Vice President of the company, nice car, beautiful wife, nice apartment, and he's good looking to boot. Who wouldn't want to be with him or be him? So begins the set up of this first episode of the anthology series Thriller, hosted by Boris Karloff.

Essentially we have two nutcases: the girl who wants to bust up his marriage because she has a plan and the closeted mail room clerk who wants to skip all the hard work and steal a man's life for his own. Blackmail and death are the close companions of these two loveable losers.

Fatal Attraction mines a similiar vibe years later. However, this is good ol' classic crime drama from the early 1960's, so nothing too outrageous ever happens.

One of the best elements of the show is the soundtrack by Pete Rugulo, a west coast jazz arranger. Somewhere in my stacks of vinyl I know I have one or two sides by him. Remember, kiddies, jazz is the music of junkies and killers! Dangerous stuff!

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