January 7, 2011

Doctor Who: Frontier in Space

The Doctor and Jo Grant become political pawns in growing escalations between Earth and Draconia, but in actuality they are just part of The Master's evil plot to rule the universe. Ultimately, Frontier in Space is the first half of ostensibily a twelve-part story, which concludes with Planet of the Daleks. A decent amount of action, lots of prison time and tons of costume changes for The Doctor are the order of the day here. Pertwee does kicks, chops and rolls with the best of them. He even brandishes a gun at one point!

The Master's henchmen, the Ogrons, look like cleaned up outer space orcs from The Lord of the Rings. Not a bad villian all in all, but a bit thick. The shape changing power is a definite plus, but of course, that is all the Master's doing.

Having not seen this one before, it is always nice to catch up with old Doctor adventures whilst waiting for the new ones. Recommended.

The second disc has a number of extra features which I haven't checked out, other than a 15 minute piece of the history of Doctor Who comics in the Pertwee era.

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